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Link Building

The process of obtaining quality incoming links or backlinks in an effort to encourage the search engines to trust your website and increase its ranking and importance.
keyword stuffing

Keyword Stuffing

keyword stuffing is a practice of loading a web page with keywords or numbers in an attempt to manipulate a site’s ranking in Google search results. Often these keywords appear in a list or group, or out of context...

Keyword Density

A percentage that is calculated by taking the amount of keywords that appear on a web page divided by the total number of words on the page. Although widespread, this notion is not an accurate metric to define quality...


Keywords are two to five-word phrases that your potential clients would type into a search engine when looking for you (or a business like yours). Choosing the right keywords for your web pages is essential if you wish to...


The number of people that see an item. In SEO, impressions often refer to the number of people that see your web page in the search results.

Internal link

The links that are located within the same site or domain. They are hyperlinks that can be used to improve a site’s usability and improve navigation between pages and sections.


A Hyperlink maybe a text or picture or simply a link, is a connection from one web page, document or element to another web page.

Heading Tags

Heading tags (from H1 to H6) are the “SEO terms” for titles and headlines. They are great for giving your pages structure and hierarchy. Adding heading tags makes your content easily readable by site visitors as well as by...
Kind of like the bible of SEO. The Webmaster Guidelines by Google is a support doc in which all the best, as well as illicit practices for optimizing a website, are outlined. It states that following their guidelines will...
Google Search Console

Google Search Console

Google Search Console (previously Google Webmaster Tools) is a free service provided by Google for website owners. Verifying your website with GSC is considered an SEO best practice. Once you claim ownership, you’ll get access to a plethora of...