Hey guys, how are you?
I am posting this after so much long time, but from now, I will try to update this blog every week with some new topics and tricks, Which i use in my daily SEO Life. So, today i have a question for you.
How many times do you use Google?
Might be you use it every day. So, tell me are you satisfied with all search results which you get?
Do you actually get what you wanted?
Well, these were all random questions!!
Being a SEO Blogger and Digital Marketer, I spend my lot of time searching for many SEO/Blogging/Business related queries on Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
You might be doing the same.
As a SEO Bloggers and Digital Marketer, I use Google not only for simple queries but also for doing Keyword research, competition analysis, rank tracking, outreach analysis and a lot more activities.
And all these tasks can be quite boring. It can take a lot of time and we may end up searching our solution between 100s of useless search results.
But what if I make it easier every single search process for you!
Felling Excited!!
I mean to say that now, you don’t have to spend hours and hours looking for guest post submitting sites, potential leads and more.
Because I am going to share my biggest Google Search Operator’s footprints & tricks, and I hope that these search operators will help you to improve your Google search experience.
Because using search operators, you can make your search query’s 50 to 60% more effective and you can get your desirable results without wasting too much time.
But first, you must have known that, what is a Google search operator and all logic’s behind each one of footprints.
What is a Google Search Operator?
In easy words, Google Search Operators are those special characters or strings of characters, commands and keys that we can use with our usual search query to get better and desirable results.
According to Moz,
“Google search operators are special characters and commands (sometimes known as “advanced operators”) that extend the capabilities of regular text searches.”
For example, if you search inurl:”pawanseoworld”
It will show only those search results that contain the word “pawanseoworld” in the URL.
As you can see, it shows only the links that contain pawanseoworld in their URL.
With the above example, I’m sure your now your mind is struck with some great ideas. But don’t stuck, there are many other operators which you can use while doing a Google Search.
Now, Let’s have a look at various Google Search Operators that you could start using.
Google Search Operators for SEO Guys and Digital Marketers
I don’t feel the need to explain every single operator, so i am just listing those ones that are important for a SEO Guy or a Digital Marketer.
The Google operators listed below are very useful because it has many uses related to the field of SEO and Internet Marketing.
Make a Note of this, that can combine multiple operators to get more precise results.
“” (Double Quotes Operator)
If you want exact match words or queries to be displayed, you can simply use the double quotes operator. It will show you only those results that exactly match with your keyword/query.
Now the Question Comes, how to use it?
Write any query/phrase/keyword inside double quotes.
Here’s a simple example:
If I search Social Media Quotes without double quotes Google shows me 83,80,00,000 search results.
And if I search the same in double quotes, it shows me 7,00,000 search results as shown below.
So, what’s the difference?
By using double quotes means, I am saying that to Google show the results that match the phrase exactly. In both the screenshots attached above, you could easily see that after using the “” operator I got only pages that had “Social Media Quotes” written together. At the same time if I don’t use it, Google will show pages that contain those 3 words (or synonyms/related words) anywhere in any order on the page.
Now the Question Comes, what’s the benefit of doing this?
You can get precise results related to your query as it eliminates all those results which are irrelevant to query. Another use of it, is that it basically helps you in your Keyword Research (Particularly in the case of long tail keywords). Using the double quotes operator, you can easily check the number of search results and understand the competition.
While Analyzing a Keyword for SEO Competition, there are currently no benchmarks or numbers to follow, but yes definitely, it will help you get an idea about your keyword.
It was just one operator, with which you can get so many benefits. Once you get to know the art of using all the operators, Then you can also start to get the wonderful results.
Site: (Site operator)
Search Site:pawanseoworld.com on Google
And it will start to shows you all the pages of the pawanseoworld.com that are indexed in Google. Replace pawanseoworld.com with any URL and see all the pages/posts indexed of that site.
It will help you check whether your domain is indexed or not, it will help you find out the number of pages indexed of a certain site.
You can modify this a lot to get more broader results, for example, you can just enter the TLD (Top Level Domain) and get related results.
- site:.edu SEO
This will show all .edu website pages with SEO word.
Let’s move onto the next one.
-Site: (Minus Site Operator)
Search -site:pawanseoworld.com any keyword
It excludes the specified site and shows all the results related to your keyword or phrase. The below example shows all those results that contain the word “pawanseoworld” without any results from the site pawanseoworld.com.
It can be used to find brand mentions, Amazon research and for spying purposes.
For an example, if you want to see all the mentions of your site on the internet, then you can simply use this operator as shown above in a snapshot. Then after that, you can sort the results by date as per your preference to view all latest mentions that your website have made on google or internet.
Related: (Related Operator)
- related:url.com
This shows a list of sites or articles related to the mentioned URL.
This operator is however not so powerful.
intitle: and allintitle:
It only shows those results that contain the specified word or phrases in the title of recently indexed pages on the internet or Google Search Engine.
How to use:
- intitle:brij
- allintitle:brij ke rasiya
- intitle:”brij ke rasiya”
Here’s a quick follow-up example:
As you can see, now it shows 2,670 results. This means 2670 pages are indexed with the title containing exact phrase “brij ke rasiya” in Hindi and English.
This could be used for Keyword Research, Competitive Analysis and to get an accurate and targeted search result.
inurl: and allinurl:
These 2 operators are being used to search for words (or word) in the URL.
Now Again, Question Comes How to Use These Operators?
So, here is your answer
- inurl:keyword
- allinurl:keyword phrase
The above example shows only 2 results that contain both pawanseoworld and blog word in the URL.
There may be many ways by which you can use this operator. On the other hand, once you get an idea, then, you could use it without an issue.
This operator is very helpful at finding affiliate offers, guest post & backlink opportunities and more.
It looks for the specified keyword or phrases within the body of the indexed pages. It basically ignores the title and the Url.
Now, how to use it?
It’s quite a simple:
- allintext:”keyword”
There’s not much use of this after knowing the above operators.
filetype: or ext:
Using this operator, you can search for files with a particular extension or filetype.
Again, how I can use it?
It’s simple:
- keyword filetype:pdf
- keyword phrase filetype:pdf
- keyword ext:pdf
There can be more variations. You can replace pdf with any file type that you want to search for.
The above shows all indexed PDF files containing “Digital Marketing” word in the pdf title or in the pdf itself.
Now using this Operator, you can find different types of files. Otherwise that would be difficult to find.
I Think That’s it!!
Now, you don’t need to know any other operator. Above mentioned or listed operators are enough to do some miracles for your projects or blogs.
So, time for some effective footprints and search phrases that I tried myself in order to get different targeted results.
Powerful Search Footprints for SEO, Digital Marketers & Blogger’s
Have you ever heard of the site called Dropmylink?
what does it do? It quite simply it applies a set of footprints to help you find backlink opportunities.
What if you want to discover more?
That’s when the following Footprints would help you.
Footprints to Find Sites that Accept Guest Posts
Guest Posting has always been a popular link building technique and because that, it is very common to see people wandering social media to find sites which accept guest posts.
Well, which is an okay, but if you’re looking for Guest posting sites via Google, you could end up with several positive clues and contact details.
Here are a few simple Footprints to find out all those blogs which accept guest posts.
- intitle:”submit” inurl:”guest-post”
- intitle:”submit” inurl:”guest-post” “quotes”
Replace quotes word with any niche or keyword to find targeted opportunities.
- intitle:”write for us” inurl:”write”
- intitle:”submit your content” inurl:”submit”
- intitle:”submit article” inurl:”submit”
Below are some more footprints with those you can find other sites as well. I want you that please no to not get confused with so many footprints. Now, you know the operators and how they can be used to refine your search results. So rather of using a very easy footprint, try making some advanced footprints that shows only those results which are useful to you.
So, Here Are Few More Footprints to Find Guest Posts
- “Submit Design News”
- “Community News”
- “Submit Blog Post”
- “Suggest a Guest Post”
- “Contribute to our Site”
- “Become a Guest Writer”
- “My Guest Posts”
- “Submission Guidelines”
- “This guest post was written”
- “This guest post is from”
- “Now Accepting Guest Posts”
- “The following guest post”
- inurl:guest-post-guidelines
- inurl:guest-posts
- inurl:write-for-us
- “Add blog post”
- “Guest Post Guidelines”
- “Want to Write for”
- “Blogs that Accept Guest Blogging”
- “Blogs Accepting Guest Posts”
- “Submit Tutorial”
- “Suggest a Post”
- “Become an Author”
- “Become a Contributor”
- “Places I Guest Posted”
- “Publish Your News”
- “Guest post by”
- “Guest Contributor”
- “This is a guest article”
- “Add Articles”
- “Add Guest Post”
- “Guest Bloggers Wanted”
- “Guest Posts Roundup”
- “Blogs that Accept Guest Posts”
- “Blogs that Accept Guest Bloggers”
Footprint to Find Email IDs of People who are looking for Guest Posts
It will be much easier if we directly get the email id of those site owner who eagerly accept guest posts on their blogs or websites. So, here’s an easy footprint to find those blog and website owners.
“@gmail.com” “guest post”
Play around with such footprints and get many email leads.
Footprints to Find Authors from Top Authority Sites
I know, there’s a huge craze for backlinks from authority sites and sellers are charging unbelievably high prices for a single guest post on such sites.
Facebook groups, Fiverr, and other marketplaces can be found spammed with such offers.
And people are buying it!
But, do you know that most of the authority sites accept guest posts for Free. Many big sites even offer their author accounts for free. The only requirement they put forward is Good quality articles.
So, if you are someone who writes quality and unique articles that provide some value then you can easily become an author on most of the authority websites.
But with the increase in demand for such links and accounts, it has become really hard to contact the site owners or admins.
In that case, we are left with limited options. And one of those is to find a proper author or writer of the site and contact him with your requirements.
It is really important to find those authors who are not selling links/ guest posts but rather are providing regular quality content to the site.
I’ve made some Google and Social Media footprints through which I am able to find authors of such sites.
Find Twitter Profile of Different Authority Site Contributors
- ~author “indiatimes” “Joined” site:twitter.com -inurl:status -inurl:statuses
Looks complicated but it isn’t!!
Well, I used ~author to include author and all the related words in the search result. Since I wanted to find contributors at Indiatimes, I added it in double quotes. The word “joined” is added as I see that every Twitter profile page as that word written. The – sign operators are used to remove all status and tweet links from search results.
Believe me, it will not take more than a minute to show results. I already have tried these footprints; it was an amazing experience for me. After some time now, I am quite much capable of finding footprints of almost every possible type of query.
If you wants to get more results just simply replace the word author with contributor or writer. Also replace the word indiatimes with some other site name to get your desired results.
Are you confused on what to do with their profile links??
Well, try build relationships with those people. Who are not sellers, they are proper contributors with the intention of adding quality to the site. So even if you offer them a well-written quality article (with a relevant link to your blog), there are good chances that they can publish that under their name, and you can get quality backlink. Or maybe a few bucks can help.
Footprints to Find Do follow Commenting Blogs
Well, here some footprints to find comment blogs.
Footprint to Find Affiliate Offers
OK, be ready this is one of my favorite!
OK guys, honestly tell me one thing, have you ever thought of promoting something new? Either through the Paid ads or through SEO?
Well, I’m sure that many of you did. But tell me, did you really manage to find unique offers?
There are lot of niches and products, available on the internet, it is impossible for us to remember all of them. It’s hard to find something new to promote through affiliate marketing. Most of the time we end up with finding offers related to those products which were already promoted by us.
I don’t about others to much, but this was a common issue for me.
But I recently found the use of operators to find literally hundreds of affiliates offers from products that I never even heard of.
And to be very honest with you, I got some huge money making offers using such footprint.
“Affiliate” “Earn” inurl:.com/affiliate
As you can see in image above that i am on the 15th page and every search result is an affiliate offer page.
You can add more words to find offers that pay for trial signups or just for email leads. You can change the TLD (Top Level Domain) to get more results.
Using this google dork alone, you be able to find 1000s of affiliate offers easily, which you can promote online and make money.
Isn’t it amazing right?
For now, I am only sharing you these footprints. I will try update the list with more footprints soon.
How to Create Footprints?
To be very frank, there is no magical formula for creating such kind of footprints.
The simplest way is to try to solve your daily queries with the help of these google dorks (google search operators). When you learn the art of using such operators then, you will be yourself able to discover those queries and footprints form different common daily queries.
Most of the footprints that I found were solutions of my problems that I faced in my daily SEO Life Activities. And that’s how you can also do the same.
Well, I think, I wrote much enough content about google operators. By the way, there are lots of others useful footprints that can be helpful. I will try to cover those in my next post on google search operators or I will try to share excel of those google search operators. Do let me know how you like the post on google operators and forgot to share it with others.